Settlers of Highlands East

 Cemeteries and Headstones in Cardiff, Haliburton, Ontario, Canada

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Albert Ernest Hughey & Martha Ann Covert
Albert Ernest Hughey & Martha Ann Covert
Located    Martha Ann Covert (d. 16 Oct 1976)
Albert Ernest Hughey (d. 5 Mar 1962)
Jacob Wilmart Covert and Eliza Jane McInroy tombstone
Jacob Wilmart Covert and Eliza Jane McInroy tombstone
Located    Jacob Wilmart Covert (d. 20 Aug 1930)
Eliza Jane McInroy (d. 25 Jan 1931)
Joseph Marshal Sucie and Edna Mabel Brough
Joseph Marshal Sucie and Edna Mabel Brough
Located    Mabel Edna Brough (d. 8 Mar 1987)
Joseph Marshal Sucee (d. 20 Nov 1975)
Sarginson Grave
Sarginson Grave
There is a Sarginson burial block of 8 plots in the Deer Lake Cemetery in Highland Grove. Three plots are listed in the municipal records as "occupied". One plot, number 99-2, says John Sarginson Sr with no date of death or other information. One plot is for Robert Sarginson, birth July 5, 1870 and death May 3, 1928. The other plot is Henrietta Sarginson, birth Jan. 21, 1870 and death August 10, 1950.  
Located    Henrietta Drury (d. 10 Aug 1950)
Robert Sarginson (d. 3 May 1928)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)