Settlers of Highlands East

Surname List: Begins with (

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[no surname] ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y

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All surnames beginning with (, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. (Andrews) (1)
2. (Armstrong) (1)
3. (Austin) (1)
4. (Ayotte) (1)
5. (Bamford) (1)
6. (Barker) (1)
7. (Barnes) (2)
8. (Barry) (1)
9. (Bateman) (1)
10. (Battersby) (1)
11. (Baumhour) (1)
12. (Bell) (1)
13. (Billings) (7)
14. (Billings) Woodwyk (1)
15. (Bonham) (1)
16. (Breakenridge) (1)
17. (Burroughs) (1)
18. (Cain) (3)
19. (Card) (1)
20. (Carswell) (1)
21. (Cary) (2)
22. (Chamberlain) (1)
   23. (Clydesdale) (1)
24. (Cookman) (1)
25. (Cope) (1)
26. (Crozier) (1)
27. (Dillabough) (1)
28. (Donald) (1)
29. (Doonan) (1)
30. (Dovell) (1)
31. (Dunford) (3)
32. (Finlay) (2)
33. (Foster) (1)
34. (Gannon) (1)
35. (Godfrey) (4)
36. (Gould) (1)
37. (Hadley) (3)
38. (Hancock) (1)
39. (Henry) (3)
40. (Hilker) (1)
41. (Hodgins) (1)
42. (Hunter) (2)
43. (Huston) (1)
44. (Ingles) (1)
   45. (Johnston) (1)
46. (Kidd) (1)
47. (Kirkpatrick) (1)
48. (Kivell) (1)
49. (Lee) (1)
50. (Leeson) (1)
51. (Lough) (1)
52. (MacDuff) (8)
53. (MacKnight) (1)
54. (Madill) (4)
55. (McCausland" (1)
56. (McCausland) (1)
57. (McCrea) (3)
58. (McFadden) (1)
59. (McKee) (1)
60. (McMahon) (1)
61. (McMillan) (1)
62. (McNeely) (3)
63. (Miller) (1)
64. (Mintz) (1)
65. (Mitchell) (1)
66. (Morgan) (1)
   67. (Mulloy) (1)
68. (Munroe) (1)
69. (Newbatt) (3)
70. (Pacey) (1)
71. (Page) (1)
72. (Pallett) (1)
73. (Peacock) (2)
74. (Pearsall) (1)
75. (Plante) (1)
76. (Plumley) (1)
77. (Raby) (3)
78. (Ridley) (1)
79. (Riley) (1)
80. (Roscoe) (1)
81. (Rowbotham) (1)
82. (Sanderson) (2)
83. (Shotbolt) Scott (3)
84. (Silver) (1)
85. (Sleep) (1)
86. (Snider) (1)
87. (Steinkrauss) (1)
88. (Stephens) (1)
   89. (Stinson) (1)
90. (Storey) (1)
91. (Stoughton) (4)
92. (Tallman) (1)
93. (Taylor) (1)
94. (Tinney) (1)
95. (Traviss) (1)
96. (Trethewey) (1)
97. (Tripp) (1)
98. (Vanatter) (1)
99. (Walker) (1)
100. (Walsh) (1)
101. (Ward) (1)
102. (Warr) (1)
103. (Watson) (7)
104. (White) (2)
105. (Williams) (1)
106. (Wilson) (2)
107. (Wright) (2)