Settlers of Highlands East

Surname List: Begins with B

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[no surname] ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y

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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Babcock (3)
2. Bacon (3)
3. Badgley (4)
4. Bahm (1)
5. Bailey (3)
6. Baillie (2)
7. Bain (2)
8. Baker (7)
9. Baldry (2)
10. Baldwin (1)
11. Balfour (2)
12. Ball (7)
13. Ballantyn (3)
14. Bamford (21)
15. Bannon (1)
16. Baptiste (8)
17. Baragar (9)
18. Barber (1)
19. Barker (9)
20. Barlee (1)
21. Barley (3)
22. Barnes (31)
23. Barnhart (1)
24. Barr (30)
25. Barras (1)
26. Barret (1)
27. Barret Barnes (1)
28. Barrett (3)
29. Barriball (7)
30. Barrie (1)
31. Barry (11)
32. Barsotti (1)
33. Barsottie (1)
34. Barthey (2)
35. Bartlett (2)
36. Bassett (2)
37. Bateman (2)
38. Bater (1)
   39. Bates (35)
40. Bateson (1)
41. Battelle (2)
42. Battersby (6)
43. Baumhauer (5)
44. Baumhour (46)
45. Baxter (2)
46. Bazinet (3)
47. Beales (1)
48. Beamish (1)
49. Beard (1)
50. Beatty (3)
51. Beaudrie (1)
52. Beaumhour (1)
53. Beckett (1)
54. Bedford (7)
55. Bee (1)
56. Beech (5)
57. Beecher (1)
58. Beer (1)
59. Begg (1)
60. Beggan (1)
61. Belanger (1)
62. Belch (1)
63. Belcher (1)
64. Belford (11)
65. Belfry (1)
66. Bell (22)
67. Bellamy (2)
68. Belt (1)
69. Bennett (2)
70. Bennington (1)
71. Bennison (1)
72. Benoit (2)
73. Benson (7)
74. Bentley (3)
75. Benway (1)
76. Bergtold (1)
   77. Beritskae (1)
78. Bernardo (1)
79. Berosails(?) (1)
80. Berry (2)
81. Best (4)
82. Betz (1)
83. Bick (2)
84. Bidgood (1)
85. Bierwirth (1)
86. Bierworth (1)
87. Bigelow (3)
88. Billings (113)
89. Billings-Pickens (1)
90. Billingsley (1)
91. Birchenow (2)
92. Bird (2)
93. Bishop (5)
94. Black (3)
95. Blackburn (1)
96. Blackstaff (2)
97. Blair (2)
98. Blake (3)
99. Blakely (1)
100. Bleakley (2)
101. Blodgett (1)
102. Blue (10)
103. Boate (1)
104. Boldt (1)
105. Bolender (1)
106. Boline (1)
107. Bolton (3)
108. Boltt (1)
109. Bond (1)
110. Bondu (1)
111. Bone (1)
112. Bonham (21)
113. Boomhouer (2)
114. Boomhour (1)
   115. Booth (5)
116. Border (1)
117. Boscombe (1)
118. Bott (1)
119. Botting (1)
120. Bouchard (1)
121. Boudrey (1)
122. Bouk (1)
123. Bould (1)
124. Bourgon (2)
125. Bourton (2)
126. Bowen (72)
127. Bowers (27)
128. Bowron (1)
129. Boyce (20)
130. Boyle (1)
131. Bradamore (1)
132. Braden (12)
133. Bradfield (1)
134. Bradheur (1)
135. Bradley (22)
136. Bradner (1)
137. Brady (5)
138. Branciere (2)
139. Brandon (1)
140. Branning (1)
141. Branson (1)
142. Braund (1)
143. Bray (2)
144. Brazeau (2)
145. Breakenridge (1)
146. Breau (1)
147. Breaw (1)
148. Brebner (1)
149. Breckenridge (4)
150. Bredin (1)
151. Breen (1)
152. Breitner (1)
   153. Brethour (3)
154. Britt (5)
155. Brockley (1)
156. Brombeck (1)
157. Bromley (1)
158. Brooking (4)
159. Brooks (7)
160. Brotherson (1)
161. Brough (9)
162. Broughton (1)
163. Brousso (1)
164. Brown (46)
165. Brucker (2)
166. Bryant (3)
167. Bryden (1)
168. Bryson (3)
169. Buchanan (10)
170. Buckley (1)
171. Buckman (1)
172. Bullied (1)
173. Bulmer (1)
174. Bunting (8)
175. Burchell (1)
176. Burgin (2)
177. Burke (8)
178. Burley (1)
179. Burnett (1)
180. Burns (5)
181. Burridge (1)
182. Burris (1)
183. Burroughs (3)
184. Burrows (2)
185. Burrum (1)
186. Burton (20)
187. Bush (4)
188. Butts (1)
189. Byers (1)
190. Byne (1)